Automatic Water Dispenser


     Guys, If we replace all the manual taps with a smart one that opens and closes on its own automatically how do you feel. Here we are not only save water but also have a healthier lifestyle since we don’t have to operate the tap with our dirty hands. So in this project we will build a Automatic Water Dispenser using Arduino and a Solenoid valve that can automatically give you water when a glass is placed near it. Sounds cool right! So let’s build one... 
Components Required

 1. Arduino UNO   * 1
 2. Solenoid Valve   * 1
 3. Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-SR04)   * 1
 4. IRF540 MOSFET  * 1
 5. Resistor(10K ohm)  * 1
 6. Resistor(1K ohm)  * 1
 7. Bread Board   * 1
 8. Jumper Wires  * 1

 Circuit Diagram


#define trigger 9
#define echo 8
#define LED 13
#define MOSFET 12

float time=0,distance=0;
void setup()


void loop()



void measure_distance()